Sunday, November 18, 2007

What I Learned from Ch. 4

I learned that are bones are more complex than what they look/seem. Also, I learned the primary functions of bones. I also learned how effective it is to ice an injury before it swells up. I learned that why it is bad to crack our knuckles, neck, shoulders, etc. The reason is because if we do it all the time, it builds up, and then it'd eventually burst . . . like a bubble. That's what I learned in class, which is not mentioned in the book. I learned many new workouts that would be interesting to try out as well. For example: squats, Overhead Press, Lateral Deltoid Lift, Rotator-Cuff Rotation, etc. I also learned that when we are doing sit-ups, it's not a wise idea to ask someone to hold your feet for you while you're doing it.. Also, that we should not bend all the way down, while doing lunges, because it's not as helpful as it's said by coaches/P.E. teachers.

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