Saturday, April 26, 2008

Write about Smell or Homonuclus Man

I think our sense, smell, is pretty amazing. Well. . I don't know about you, but I wouldn't know what to do if I couldn't smell anything. The world would be pretty dull, in my opinion. It's probably because I can identify any smells even from far far away. I'm pretty fascinated by this sense of mines. I mean .. without smell, we wouldn't even be able to taste the food that we eat, I don't think. Basically, I don't think I would be able to even survive without this 1 sense. But of course, the sense that is most important surely is always going to be sight. . . I think. hehe'

Chapter 2 Summarization

Chapter 2 basically talked about phantom limbs and stories that were related to that. A phantom limb is when the patient is not crazy, but he/she is given the impression that their missing body part is still there, even though they KNOW it's not. An example that was used was of a guy named Tom. Also, our lips and fingers are highly sensitive to touch, which is why Tom couldn't identify correctly where the scientist placed the Q-Tip on him. You can also do this activity using the technique magnetoencephalography, also known as MEG.

Story in Phantom That Has Intrigued Me The Most

The story that has intrigued me the most is the story that the schoolteacher suffered a stroke that was paralyzed on the left side of her body, but she insisted that it was not paralyzed. When she was asked whose arm was lying on the bed, she explained that the limb belonged to her brother. It is rather funny how these people are NOT crazy, but they sure do ACT crazy.

What Has Surprised Me In Phantoms

I was pretty surprised by the stories told. Especially the one about the person's wanted to scratch, wiggle, etc.. with his arm.. even though he knows that he lost his arm in a car accident. Also, it surprised me how his phantom pain disappeared when he was shown the "lost" arm that had been buried in the garden. It's also surprising how we try to train monkeys to do some human actions.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What I Learned Doing My Project

I learned that Prolactin is a peptide hormone primarily associated with lactation. It is synthesisted and secreted by lactotrope cells in the anterior pituary gland. It's also produced in other tissues including the breast and the decidua. Also, Prolactin has many effects, such as: to decrease normal levels of sex hormones and it delays hair regrowth in mice. There's little and big prolactin. Prolactin levels peak during REM sleep, and in the early morning. Levels can rise after exercise, meals, sexual intercourse, or minor surgical procedures

Friday, April 11, 2008

Mind Illusions

I learned that our lens is perfectly clear and curved. Also, a person with perfect eyesight is susceptible to optical illusions. Our perceptions are influenced by our past experiences, imagination, and association. Our nervous system approximates color, shape, and dimension. In the 3rd Website, I learned that: The receptors in your eye and the rest of your visual system evolved for you to see things that are useful to behaviour. You don’t just see what’s there, you make a ‘best guess’ based on statistical probabilities of what you have experienced before.